Thursday 29 January 2009

Half light

It's been a weird sort of day. One of those ones where the sun never seems to make an appearance; grey, dull and all around unsatisfactory. That is to say that it's been unsatisfactory in every sense, work and play. Not that there's a whole lot of the latter at the moment. The work thing is being in a state of 'faux-limbo' if such a concept exists. It does now. I'm stuck with a squabbling rabble in an institution with a failing infrastructure and yet on the cusp of moving on to other things and so not in a mood to really dive in and make changes. It's a vicious circle and is just adding to my overall down mood at the moment.

Then there's the lack of play. For today at least, that's not due to the want of trying. My awkward friend with no strings, but in a relationship has been really giving it to me today. Unfortunately, only in the metaphorical sense. There is a deep well of untapped sexual potential in that man. I don't have nearly half of the opportunities I want to delve deeper and see what I can play with. Anyway, I hope it's not too long before I get to play again for real. He wants to borrow my space for some of his own fantasies. Everything has a price.

Back in my regular cyber haunts, its been the usual non-stop round of weirdos and freaks. One who won't get the hint. I'm afraid that squat with a big gap between your teeth doesn't do it for me. Shallow, I know. I'm sure he has a great personality blah, blah, blah. Not paying a lot of attention to the chat room at the moment. I have enough to contend with from a certain person with a foot fetish. I've never really understood that, but I can tolerate it given that, in all other respects, he seems quite normal. Then there are the contacts on the large gallery-type website, which can be far more fun, if a little infrequent.

Let's see what the rest of the evening brings.

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